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Monday, August 25, 2008

My Secrets to Get Your Toddler to Adjust to a New Baby

Having a new baby is such a special time but sometimes it can be made more difficult when you have a toddler who is struggling to accept the new baby. I had my second baby 10 months ago and have been amazed at how my first born has adjusted. He is a doting brother, looks out for her needs and loves giving his sister kisses and cuddles. He even shares his toys with her (the ugly ones of course!)!!

So what were my secrets to getting this result in my family? Here are some of them...

  1. When the baby was born, presents were bought for both the baby and for our little boy who was 2 years.
  2. Before the baby was born we spent time creating a new room / layout / bed area for the baby obviously but also for our boy. It was time he moved to a bed rather than a cot anyway and he was so excited. He wanted to show off his bed and new toyboxes and decorations off to everybody. We did this a few weeks before the baby was born.
  3. After the baby was born I found that my little boy would very quickly learn when I was breast feeding and couldn't discipline him. He would throw tantrums and do all the things he was not aloud to do. I very quickly learnt that if I gave him attention before I began feeding and set him up with a special play activity that he could do on his own he would be happy for the duration of feeding the baby
  4. I had my little boy help me as much as he was happy to with bathing the baby, changing the baby etc. He loved passing me the nappies and watching the little baby kick in the bath.
  5. I made sure that when the baby was sleeping, my little boy and I had special 'mum' time and played a game he liked. You would often find us outside kicking the ball to each other or having a cuddle on the couch watching a movie.

I must admit I was very nervous coming home from the hospital wondering how on earth I would survive with such an active and strong willed toddler but after putting all the above into practise I am amazed at how well we have all adjusted to having our new beautiful daughter around!

I wish you all the best with your new baby!


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